


来源:大气科学学院 作者:大气新媒体中心日期:2017-07-18 审核:新闻中心 点击:

【本网讯】7月13日下午,Marouane Temimi、Mudassar Iqbal、Rukumesh Paudyal三位外籍学者应大气科学学院暑假国际教育周活动邀请,在气象楼115会议室进行了学术座谈会,部分教师及学生代表参加了座谈会。


Marouane Temimi从自己主修的水资源专业出发,结合与自己专业关联的天气、城市环境、遥感和地理信息系统等学科,向大家介绍了自己目前以及未来的研究方向,并提出自己对城市规模研究、区域过程和全球性问题的想法。


Mudassar Iqbal向大家介绍了他的研究领域,包括GIS数字高程模型(DEM)和使用3D分析进行大洋、湖泊面积的评估。来自中国科学院西北生态环境与资源研究所的Rukumesh Paudyal向大家介绍了自己在气候与环境变化的研究,并就相关内容与在座教师展开了讨论。



Dr. Marouane Temimi, educated from the University of Quebec, his major is water resources. Dr. Temimi is interested in lines of work related to weather, urban environment, remote sensing, and GIS. Currently, He is interested in urban scale studies, regional process, and global issues.

Dr. MUDASSAR IQBAL,educated from Center of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering UET. He is interested in the projection of Research Area Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in Arc GIS and 3D Analyst Tool used to evaluate Capacity and Pond Area at different pond levels

Dr. RUKUMESH PAUDYAL,educated from Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Rukumesh’s research interests are Distribution and Variation of Mercury in the Tibetan Plateau.

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