


来源:资源环境学院 作者:张菊日期:2016-07-13 点击:

【本网讯】7月13日上午,350vip葡京新集团2016年暑期国际教育活动周启动仪式在航空港校区学术报告厅顺利举行。资源环境学院副院长徐成华教授、环境工程教研室主任郭俊元博士、外籍教师Prof. OlgaPetrov及参加活动的40名同学出席了开幕式。

随后,在资环楼221会议室,徐成华欢迎外籍教师Olga Petrov教授的到来,对其基本情况进行了概括性的介绍。Olga Petrov为英属哥伦比亚大学教授,知名的大气环境监测及管理方面的专家,拥有25年的教龄和丰富的教学能力、教学经验。徐成华表示此次是学校首次举办国际教育活动周,希望同学们珍惜此次学习的机会,积极做好沟通交流。

Olga Petrov简要介绍了此次来访的目的,介绍了未来一周教育活动周的行课计划和安排,希望同学们能大胆提问和交流,能从活动周中学习到不同的思维方式和研究方法。紧接着,Olga Petrov针对题为“大气环境污染及其防治对策”展开了本次暑期教育活动周的系列讲座的开篇报告。同学们纷纷表示受益匪浅,期待后续的课程内容。



Opening  of  the CUIT 2016 Summer School  education activity in College of Resources and Environment

At 9 a.m. July 13th,The CUIT 2016 Summer School  education  opened in Hangkonggang campus Academic report hall successfully. Prof. Olga Petrov, Prof. Chenghua Xu , Dr Junyuan Guo, and 40 students attend the opening ceremony.

Then,at 10 a.m.In room 221,Prof. Xu warmly welcomed  Prof.Olga Petrov,showed great gratitude to her and  gave a brief  introduction about her. Prof.Olga Petrov come from British Columbia Institute of Technology,which located in Vancouver.expertised in the areas of air quality monitoring and management, Over 25 years of cumulative teaching, consulting and management work experience.Prof. Xu stressed that this is the first time for Summer School education in CUIT, and  hoped that students who participated can treasure this opportunity to study hard.

Prof.Olga Petrov informed the schedule and arrangement in the following week,and hoped  that students can ask bravely, and also expected  that  students can learn critical thinking or research method from this activity. After that, Prof. Olga Petrov focused on the title named as Atmospheric environment pollution and measures. Students are looking forward to the next content of the activity.






















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